Monday, 19 October 2009

Film Review: The Beach

The Beach: The worst film Danny Boyle has ever made. FACT. I hadn't seen this since it originally came out and i still don't like it now. I read the book long time ago an i felt the film never did it justice and instead became a vechicle for dicarryout to make a pretty boy name for himself after titanic. I still believe that to be correct. People always say that the books are always better than the films an it takes a strong film to transcend those boundaries, that is true and whats truer is the fact that this film IS FUCKING REGURGIATED DOGSHITE. I despise it and i despise the treatment it gave Garland's characters. I felt the same at the time and it refreshing to see the hatred levels have not wained in eleven years. Imagine if they made Catcher in the Rye and just completly changed Holden into what they believed would make a greater film for the unintelligent dumb-audiences who reallly wouldnt be there to see the film at all but rather to que up and to buy tickets to the newest Shia vehicle or Chris Pine film. The anger still rages on but nevertheless Robert Caryle & the scenary are both still great. I'd recommend reading the book instead. Visually stunning with no depth. Annonyingly poor. 1.5 /5

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