Monday, 19 October 2009

Film Review: Bolt

Bolt: I knew nothing but once again i was plesantly surprised at this. I didnt really recognise the voices but it didnt really matter at all - it was just such a lovely enjoyable visually stunning film that i actually felt like a child watching it again. I sat my nieces down and (for half an hour anywyas) they felt the exact same (they then got restless and went outside to find doo-doo) - it just is a delightful enjoyable film and its fuckin unbelievably great not to have to sit through something people have recommended only to find out its a fucking bint of a movie. it doesnt matter if you're young or old or whatever, this is a shout back to the originality and quality gold-seal of the originally cgi films released in the 90's. A thoroughly breathtaking cinematic experience regardless or not if i didnt recognise the voices. If you have kids then i highly recommend this. Great family fun. 3.5 / 5

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