Thursday, 14 January 2010

Video Schpiel: The Prank Wars

I know most of you have probably seen these already but for those who haven't, here's the full 8 video's (so far) of Amir Vs Streeter in what is now commonly referred to as -PRANK WARS!!! Watch them all as the further you go the more terrible they become! Enjoy bitches.

Prank War 1: Audio Prank

Prank War 2: Streeter's Big Date

Prank War 3: Amir's Audition

Prank War 4: Streeter Bombs

Prank War 5: Amir's Big Break (with The Human Giant)

Prank War 6: The Yankee Prankee

Prank War 7: The Half-Million Dollar Shot

Prank War 8: The Skydiving Prank

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