Friday, 13 November 2009

Film Review: The Rocker

The Rocker: A lot of people are wondering why Jack Black didnt star in this and i beleieve its cos he has realised that he is becoming an annoying one-dimesional character actor and that he need to expand on his skills more than just pulling monkey-faces an slapping his gut. I'm glad he choose to be in that crappy lovey-dovey christmas film with Law & diaz cos at least i know i won't be watchin that sh*t and instead i can go about my everyday existence watching completly rubbish films such as this one. Right, i really enjoy the American office and I really love Dwight as a character, while Rainn Wilson is not entirely playing the same character in this as - he pretty much isnt straying too far away for what his viewer expects. The main problem i have with this - and f*ck me its a biggie - is the FUCKING SHITE FUCKING MUSIC the band play! I mean, it's suppsoed to be a rock 'n' roll redemption film - its called THE ROCKER for f*ck sake!!! It is not called "Put-you-kleenex-away, daddy-loves-you-and-your-really-annonying-whiny-girly-music, you-care-bears-lovin-pussy". It totally ruined the whole thing for me - really, i cant explain enough how shockingly turdtastic it was. And as for the fat fucking keyboard player f*ck OFF stopp eating so much and go to acting lessons you fucker. I did not enjoy this film. It was not the worst one i have seen recently but even while watching it i felt myself wishing i that i hadn't bothered. Not worthy of anyones time. 1.5 / 5

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