Monday, 14 December 2009

Musical Schpiel: Hybrid Albums

If you're a fan of kick-ass mash-ups then quality hybrid/maker Max Tannone has got some kick-ass freebies here.

Firstly is Double Check Your Head which mixes the Beastie Boys with....well, the Beastie Boys to awesome effect!!!

Here's a sample for those slightly bi-curious:

An if you feel what i'm feelin an its a musical masterpiece then you can d/wl it all free here:

He also has a Jay-Z / Radiohead hybrid thats not as awesome as the Beasties / Beasties in my opinion, but to each their own! It's available here:

Enjoy Bitches!


  1. Hey thanks for checking out the tunes!
    I have some more stuff coming so "stay tuned"


  2. Gotta say i really do enjoy the Beasties/Beasties mix and I'll definitely be checking out future stuff and hopefully others will be too!

    Keep up the awesome work Max.
