Monday 18 October 2010

The Blogs 1st Birthday!!!

This day last year i posted my first post! Altogether "awwwwwwww" :-)
Eight hundred and eighty-eight posts later and it's one year old!
So yeah - all you motherfuckers better wish me happy motherfuckin birthday bitches!!! Na, seriously though - thanks for popping in every now and again & commentating when you could - i'd probably still do this is no-one even bothered but it's nice to know i'm not doing this alone and just for my own Wilson :-) Anyways enough of this sentimental shite, thanks once again & here's to the next 888 posts. Bitches!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Blog. The birth of a blog is a wonderful thing, brought from on high by internet storks

  2. Happy blog birthday to you sir! Was planning on avoiding blogging today (it was a bit of hectic online weekend there!) but I seen this on FB and had to come over to give you a big virtual pat on the back! I can't believe it's only been a year. And 888 posts?!!! My god man, you're a blogging machine! Oh, and sorry I've been crap commenting recently. I have been popping in, I've just got a bit lazy. As a birthday present I promise to be more conversational from now on! Well, congrats again!

  3. No party but thank you all kindly for your birthday wishes. Bring on year two!!!!!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Foxworth :)

    You're the best part of my day, most days :) xXx
