Wednesday 26 May 2010

Web Schpiel: What Face Book Knows About YOU

Seriously creepy stuff how much is accessible even though i'm private on everything i do. Just log into face book, got to your profile page and highlight your personal numeric ID - it'll be about 15 numbers long and it's the ID number that is on the top url when you click on profile. Copy and paste it into here: and you'll see how much they have on record of you. I'm going to remove myself from any fan pages now so apologies to all who may be hurt or offended.


  1. Ugh i really dont like this!!!

  2. I was singed out of facebook and went to the find friends thingy just typed my name into the search and it said my profile was private, however, i could copy my id numer into the search engine above and all my stuff came up!!! shockin!
