Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Web Schpiel: Crab Revenge

Fucking hell......

"I am totally amazed at just how much fun one can have with crabs! My friend had a row with a bloke from our town who happens to be a taxi driver so I laced his taxi with my bug army and now is out of work because of this site lol you should be ashamed of yourselves crabrevenge *wink*" Debra - Nottingham

"Just what I needed to get back at my ex wife! Thank god for crab revenge!"
Ethan - Dublin

"My ex isn't going to be troubling me any more thanks to your site! Thanks for the tip!" Murry - London

"Thank you SO much you saved my marridge! My wife broke it off with her new lover because she thought he gave her crabs, wish I had found this site sooner!"
Ryan - Hamilton


  1. My god, where do you find this stuff Declan???
    And so much of it! I haven't visited here in a few days and there's been so many posts I can't remember where I left off. :)

  2. interwebs a big place Róisín - someone's gotta cypher through the shit for the rest of us :-)

  3. Well aren't you just a hero for the cause then :)
