Friday, 20 May 2011

Video Schpiel: Last Minutes With Oden

When Jason Wood allowed filmmaker Eliot Rausch to document the day he put his beloved dog, Oden, to sleep, he may not have realized that the result would be viewed over a million times. But thank goodness he did, because "Last Minutes with ODEN" is gorgeous. Photographed by Luke Korver and Matt Taylor, this six-minute piece weaves scenes from the sad day with Wood's story about life with Oden. Wood's tearful voice and open grief are incredibly moving, as is his gratefulness for the love his dog helped him find in life.

I lasted all of 3:25 minutes before i started getting emotional.

Jesus. Why is it things with animals are harder to watch than those with humans?

I love my dog & for anyone who cares here she is in previous-post format:

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