Friday, 22 April 2011

Pictorial Schpiel: For Sale JFK's Air Guitar

Video Schpiel: Falcon Thrust

Pictorial Schpiel: Keanu = Jesus ?

Video Schpiel: Thor Kids KICKS Star Wars Kid Ass All The Way Back To Asgard!!!!

K, remember Star Wars Kid???

Now watch Thor Kid supersede the lil tyke!!!

Also i have SHITLOADS of uni work for the next two weeks so posts may be few & far between, what can i say apart from it's gotta be done. See you soon (hopefully)tinterweb. I'll miss you X

Monday, 11 April 2011

Video Schpiel: Mario Gangster Rap

Is it just em or is there a HELL of a lot of decent Mario's vids being released recently?

Pictorial Schpiel: Rachael Ray - Cannibal ???

Video Schpiel: Shorewood Video Production Class Video

Beats anything i ever did in Media class!!!

The song of course is Hall and Oates's 'You Make My Dreams Come True'

"I'm Holland Oates you're like Peter Gabriel"

Also, you're probably thinking that song reminds you of something else - in which case have a little bit of this on your monday afternoon :-D

500 Days of Summer - You Make My Dreams Come True

So THAT'S what it's like after a night with Zooey!!!! Awesome!

and FINALLY... how the Shorewood people actually filmed it:

Wow! what a long post!!! Unlike Gary Coleman it just kept growing

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Video Schpiel: Another Aids Ad - NSFW (I Think - It's A Cartoon ???)

Video Schpiel: Slipknot Vs Bieber?

It shouldn't work.....then Ludacris puts the icing on the cake!!!

By the way LOVE the Knot!!! Try this on for size haters:

1:50 on = WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Video Schpiel: Awesome Fan-Made First Class Credits

X-Men: First Class Title Sequence from Joe D!

Well done Joe D - especially with the music!

Hopefully this doesn't suck like X3 did, i mean:

#Shakes head#

Video Schpiel: Johnny Lawrence Returns To Bully Daniel LaRusso On Dancing With The Stars

Cobra Kai all the way bitches!!!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Video Schpiel: Bikini Girl Wants Her Burger

She is an inspiration to us all :-D

Video Schpiel: Seriously - Watch This Basketball Video And Tell Me If It DIDN'T Make Your Day!!!!!

How fucking AWESOME is that??? Like, REALLY!!!!!

I actually welled up a bit there and i'm not even hungover!!!!!

Video Schpiel: The Russian Suicide Chair

Gotta give a shout out for McCai who unearthed this tinterwebic gem!

Still makes me sad when i remember he's dead. Still though, he was mental!!!!

Video Schpiel: LCD Soundsystem's Last Show

For Gerry. Who is a bitch